Get Inspired


Have the ideas at Slope School piqued your interest? If so, we recommend reading Courage to Grow: How Acton Academy Turns Learning Upside Down, by Laura Sandefer, Acton’s Co-Founder. This fast, engaging read is the best account our learner-driven studios.

Then, dive in with us in the conversation of the new science of learning. Below are some of our favorite videos, books, and articles.


The Hero's Journey

APR 28, 2019

Most Likely to Succeed Trailer

APR 28, 2019

Jet Cockpits and The End of Average

APR 28, 2019

Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson

APR 28, 2019

Disruptive Education

APR 28, 2019

Let's teach for mastery -- not test scores | Sal Khan

APR 28, 2019

Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the Cloud

APR 28, 2019

Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth

APR 28, 2019

TEDxOKC - Jeff Sandefer

APR 28, 2019

A Virtual Tour of Acton Academy

APR 28, 2019